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This screen allows you to locate participating providers by location.
How I do a search for a provider?
Enter as much information as possible in the search fields, then click the Search Now button to display your results.
What's View Map?
You can see a map showing the location of a provider by clicking on the View Map icon. View Map also provides directions in text form that can be printed.
Services Descriptions
Audiology - Can perform Hearing services.
Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses - Can dispense glasses and contact lenses.
Dispense Contact Lenses Only, No Examination - Can dispense contact lenses.
Examination and Contact Lenses - Can perform exams and dispense contact lenses.
Exam and Eyeglasses Only, No Contact Lenses - Can perform exams and dispense glasses.
Examination Only - Can perform exam only.
Eyeglasses Only - Can dispense glasses.
Full Service - Can perform exams and dispense glasses and contact lenses.
LASIK Vision Correction - Most members can receive discounted LASIK procedures. Verify by checking your benefit summary. Visit lasik.qualsight.com to find eligible LASIK providers near you.
For more information, call Davis Vision Customer Service at 1-888-921-1194.
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
Davis Vision is an independent company providing vision benefit management services and access to their network.
Information shown on this website is not intended to be, nor should be construed as, professional advice.
Those reviewing the information should consult with a qualified professional.
In California, Davis Vision may do business as Davis Vision Insurance Administrators.
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